Title: The SENZA PARFUMO official Fan Page
Location: http://senzaparfumo.danielbauer.com
Image: projects2/2003/senzaparfumo.jpg
Date: 2003
Rating: 7

Title: different musical projects with stars from around the world
Location: projects/musik/projekte/m-proj01.htm
Image: projects/musik/projekte/image.jpg
Date: 2000
Rating: 7

Title: Die Rehcher - music
Location: projects/musik/rehcher/m-reh01.htm
Image: projects/musik/rehcher/image.jpg
Date: 1999
Rating: 6

Title: Sans Secours - music
Location: projects/musik/sanssecours/m-ss01.htm
Image: projects/musik/sanssecours/image.jpg
Date: 1996
Rating: 8

Title: electronical stuff from the times before senza parfumo
Location: projects/musik/elektronik/m-ele01.htm
Image: empty
Date: 1996
Rating: 5

Title: Djingles for the Oekostadt CD 2000 Rom
Location: projects/musik/oeko/m-oek01.htm
Image: empty
Date: 1997
Rating: 4