Title: Shopping Center Alpenstrasse, Client: LOVE
Location: projects2/2004/0410_sca/frame.htm
Image: projects2/2004/0410_sca/image.jpg
Date: 2004
Rating: 6

The SCA is going to be the second big player shopping center in Salzburg.

Title: Seven Heaven goes Dubai, LOVE architecture and urbanism
Location: projects2/2002/love_seven_heaven/frame.htm
Image: projects2/2002/love_seven_heaven/image.jpg
Date: 2002
Rating: 8


Title: Redesign of the Schlossberg Restaurant Graz, Arch. LOVE
Location: projects2/2002/love_schlobe/frame.htm
Image: projects2/2002/love_schlobe/image.jpg
Date: 2002
Rating: 8


Title: Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Austria; Arch. Kelz
Location: projects/visual/hdwiss/frame.htm
Image: projects/visual/hdwiss/image.jpg
Date: 2000
Rating: 8

Title: Visualisation of a design for the chappel of Abt Seggau, Arch. Giselbrecht
Location: projects2/2001/giselbrecht_seggau/frame.htm
Image: projects2/2001/giselbrecht_seggau/image.jpg
Date: 2001
Rating: 7

This Visualization was made without Radiosity. But the quality of the images lies in a seeming simulation of light.

Title: Hospital Bregenz, Arch. Giencke
Location: projects2/2000/giencke_lkh_bregenz/frame.htm
Image: projects2/2000/giencke_lkh_bregenz/image.jpg
Date: 2000
Rating: 8

Title: Competition Spar Supermarkets, Arch. LOVE architecture and urbanism
Location: projects2/2002/love_spar/frame.htm
Image: projects2/2002/love_spar/image.jpg
Date: 2002
Rating: 6

Title: Badezentrum Altenmarkt, Austria; Arch. Bramberger
Location: projects/visual/bram03/frame.htm
Image: projects/visual/bram03/image.jpg
Date: 1999
Rating: 8

Title: Competition Bahnhof Wr. Neustadt, Arch. Giselbrecht
Location: projects2/2001/giselbrecht_bahnhof/frame.htm
Image: projects2/2001/giselbrecht_bahnhof/image.jpg
Date: 2001
Rating: 6

Title: Office Building, Airport Schwechat, Vienna, Austria, Competition, Arch. Giselbrecht
Location: projects2/2001/giselbrecht_schwechat/frame.htm
Image: projects2/2001/giselbrecht_schwechat/image.jpg
Date: 2001
Rating: 6

Title: Kleine Zeitung Newsroom Graz, Austria; Arch. LOVE architecture and urbanism
Location: projects2/2002/love_cc_styria/frame.htm
Image: projects2/2002/love_cc_styria/image.jpg
Date: 2002
Rating: 5

Title: Schroedingerschule, Graz, Austria; Arch. Illmaier RIP
Location: projects/visual/ill01/frame.htm
Image: projects/visual/ill01/image.jpg
Date: 1999
Rating: 7

Title: AMS Revitalization, Arch. Bramberger
Location: projects2/2000/bramberger_ams/frame.htm
Image: projects2/2000/bramberger_ams/image.jpg
Date: 2000
Rating: 6

Title: Ökopark Hartberg Zentralgebäude, Arch. Zinganel
Location: projects2/2000/zinganel_zentralgeb/frame.htm
Image: projects2/2000/zinganel_zentralgeb/image.jpg
Date: 2000
Rating: 5

First try to achieve realistic images by the use of radiosity.

Title: Visualization of an elavator in a historical russian house, Arch. Bramberger
Location: projects2/2000/bramberger_russ/frame.htm
Image: projects2/2000/bramberger_russ/image.jpg
Date: 2000
Rating: 5

strange visualizations for strange russians

Title: Multilevel Housing, Lendkai, Graz, Austria; Arch. Herwig Illmaier
Location: projects2/2000/illmaier_lendkai/frame.htm
Image: projects2/2000/illmaier_lendkai/image.jpg
Date: 2000
Rating: 4