

Mail: Daniel Bauer, Studio Griesgasse 24, 8020 Graz
Email: office(at)danielbauer.com
Phone: +43 699 81834589
Guestbook: link
Skype: gaspedalo
and ICQ: 4419868 
My CV - made in July 2004 - Filesize to little to mention |
Visualisation Showcase 2003 Web Version - 5.3MB
Visualisation Showcase 2003 Print Version - 24MB |
For more fun please visit:
mrs-lee.com, noch härter, noch fetter, noch krasser;
pfpaja.fi, hobby cartoonism is not a shame;
sexyundergroundband.com, shall they rest in peace
psycho-path.com for more astonishing music
Our Hosts Xarch.at and zierbanane.at
blois.at and paulbauer.net and JJ Kucek
last but not least IVICA OSIM
"The Real Time has arrived - urban potentials through mobile networks" is a project concerned with the fusion of two fields that become more and more intersected: Architecture and Telecommunication. Developed at the technical university of graz, austria; faculty of architecture; supervisor Univ.Prof.Arch.Manfred Wolff-Plottegg (technical university of vienna) - Open realtimecity.danielbauer.com in a new window
RealTimeCity in Shibuya / Tokyo 2003 - Animation |
SENZA PARFUMO, the guy from Palermo is hosting some great songs on danielbauer.com
See the Killer Video of "Ballava da Dio" - video material of the "ballava da dio" premiere at the "Senza Parfumo Italia Party" at "Celerys", Graz on Wednesday 19. of February. - a recording of the senza parfumo live interview connection from palermo beach to the B72 in Vienna on Thursday 21. of August - a lot of audio material, fan post and other fan stuff and now NEW ON SENZA PARFUMO SITE: Paparazzi found him on the beach in Palermo !!! RARE !!! - Open senzaparfumo.danielbauer.com in a new window
Stills from the Killer Hit Video "Ballava da dio", featuring J.J. Kucek as the dancer and Ni Lam as the oriental beauty. Recorded at the Mrs.Lee Studios, Palermo -> Watch Video